
March 31st, 2014

Today I grateful. I am grateful for this precious human life, for this breath, for this vehicle called the body and for THIS moment. I am grateful for my mind, for its creativity and reasoning, that’s sharp at times and meandering at others. I am grateful for the chance to learn, to explore, to discover and to rediscover the beauty in simple things, like the opening of a flower. I am grateful for the many others who walk this path of curiosity and for their inspiration, for their sharing and their humility. I am grateful for having the strength to feel deeply, to cry unashamedly and to express honestly, even when it gets scary.

I am grateful for the untold blessings from Masters and teachers near and far, passed and present, male and female, for their unwavering commitment to truth and to love.

I am grateful for the gifts of delight that children bring, for their innocence, for their excitement and their joy, and for the wise and valuable lessons that they teach us adults everyday.

And I am grateful for Mother Earth, for all the oceans and the forests, for the deserts and the beaches, for the seasons and the rains that support and nurture our souls, day in and day out.

When I am grateful, there is a fullness in my heart and an ease in my mind that allows me to rest and know that life is taking care of itself and all I have to do is to surrender to its flow…and to be grateful again and again.

What are you grateful for today?